Binary Sudoku Generator

by Puzzookie


3.29 usd

How to playIn order to solve a Binary Sudoku puzzle, each cell must contain a 0 or a 1 and abide by the rules.Rules#1: Every row and column must have the same number of zeros and ones.#2: Consecutive trios ("000" and "111") are not allowed vertically or horizontally in the puzzle.#3: Every row and column must be unique.Tips#1: Make sure that the amount of zeros and ones in each row is exactly half of the row size and that the amount of zeros and ones in each column is exactly half of the column size. If you have found all the zeros in a row/column, then the rest are ones and vice versa.#2: Avoid trios ("000" and "111"). Assume X is a blank space. If "X00", "00X", or "0X0" appears vertically or horizontally in the puzzle, then X must be 1. If "X11", "1X1", "11X" appears vertically or horizontally in the puzzle, then X must be 0.#3: Since all rows and columns are unique, then if two rows or columns are nearly identical and only differ with a 01 or 10, then we can deduce how to complete that row or column. Assume X is a blank space. If a row is: "011010" and another row is "XX010", then we can conclude the incomplete row is "101010" (because otherwise it would be the same as the other row).#4: Rule out impossibilities. Assume X is a blank space and were examining the following row/column: "0XX10XX010". We need one more 0 to complete this row/column. We know that each cell must be either a 0 or a 1. If we replace one of those Xs with a 0 (indicated with a ?: "0XX10X?010"), then we run into an impossibility ("0111010010"). Since assuming ? is a 0 would violate rule #2, we can conclude that ? is a 1.FeaturesAbility to generate thousands of randomly generated puzzlesOnly one valid solution for each puzzle. All puzzles must be solved using logicThree difficulties: Easy, Medium, and HardHint: clears any mistakes in your puzzle and consequentially reveals the next cellAbility to change the board size: (6x6, 6x8, 6x10, 8x6, 8x8, 8x10, 10x6, 10x8, 10x10)Ability to change background color